Friday, June 9, 2017

The "Blub"

It has been a long time, since I have blogged!
Nothing much has changed. I still love to eat, I still struggle to keep my weight under control, and 
Chicago continues to evolve into a great food city.
Summer is here, and it's a tricky season. You are absolutely moving more, and eating "lighter" food.
You are also home at lot less, eating out more and drinking a lot of Rose'.
I hoped to be a few pounds lighter than I am presently, in order to make way for the festival drinking, the last minute Tuesday night cocktail and the BBQ's I will be hosting. I didn't happen.
which leads me to the title of my blog.

Sadly, no matter how many nights I spend at the gym, lean cuisines I eat for lunch,
I cannot get rid of "The Blub".
What is"The Blub" you ask?
You know, that layer that shows through your white t-shirt, or sticks out of the back top of your skinny jeans.
No matter how loose your clothes are, Blub rears it's ugly head. (unless you are wearing a Mu Mu).
It's like a family member that overstays their welcome.
No matter how hard you try to get rid of it, it never leaves.

My battle with the Blub is ongoing. some days I can hide it, and I feel good again.
It just takes one tight pair of pants to bring me back to reality.
And try hiding it in a photograph! Impossible!
Blub ruins pictures, moods, days and nights.
So how do we deal with it?
Well, we can always exercise more, eat healthier and buy the next size.
But mentally, we must accept "the Blub".
We all have it. I look at people in the gym, skinny, fat, tall and short. Yep, Blub everywhere.
I will keep fighting, and hiding and hope to look good in a picture.
But at the end of the day, nothing can stop me from enjoying the glorious summer ahead.
So, drink your Rose', eat that Brat and maybe go the gym on Monday?
Til the next time!

Note: Hiding The Blub in this picture...

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