Thursday, August 22, 2013


"I eat so much less in the Summer, because it's hot and all you want is a salad"..Bullcrap!
I tried to buy into this myth, but it's just not true.
Summertime is about BBQ's, family vacations, dining Al Fresco and lots of cold alcoholic beverages.
The fact remains, it is a lot easier to lose weight in the winter.

This week was a whirlwind of new restaurants to check out and cold wine/Champagne to be had.
Last week was about a big BBQ at my house, and a fun Summer Friday off drinking Sangria.
Summertime means trips to the Dairy Queen and staying out till Midnight on a Tuesday.
So, there will be no weight lost until after Labor Day, period.
This is summer, and I plan to enjoy it until the white shoes are gone.

Come October, I will be home and and back to Turkey Chili.
I will be okay with going home on a Tuesday night.
I will be okay not having a scoop from Margie's.

I will be okay, a little plumper, but okay.
Till next time,

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